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Dates for your Diary - Updated 01/02/19

Some dates for upcoming events and courses for the FoSP groups.

Orchard Group

Tree Planting - POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER: New date to be scheduled for March. Meet at Balgreen Road car park. Community tree planting for all the family. Come and help us plant 420 saplings around Saughton Park. No experience required, and if you don’t want to get your hands dirty, just come along to support us! Make sure to wear appropriate weatherproof clothing and sturdy footwear and, if you have gardening gloves or spades, bring these too!

Heritage Apple and Pears course at the Botanics: 31st of August 2019. There is one place available for this course, if you are interested contact Sarah.

Wildlife Group

Wildlife Group Meeting: 21st February 2019 19:00 at the Winter Gardens. Come along and help us plan some wild events and chat about the birds, beasties and beautiful greenery found in the park. We are a new group so all ideas are very much welcome!

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